Magalas (pronounced Mag-ah-lass; the ‘s’ is usually sounded in the Biterrois area) is a dynamic village, very popular with expatriates many of whom have chosen to buy a primary or secondary residenc here. Like so many of its neighbouring villages, Magalas is built on wine and wine-making. This brings quality of life to the population, supports economic activity, aids the development and professionalisation of tourism, and helps improve and preserve the natural environment and architectural heritage.

Also in common with many other medieval villages of the Languedoc, Magalas is built as a ‘circulade’. Viewed from the air, it resembles a snail’s shell—this is the form of defence where the outer walls of each house are built very thickly to repel invaders and each circle interlocks as it has grown and been added to over the centuries of the village’s existence.
Our favourite place to eat:
O-Bontemps: Rue de l’Eglise. Olivier Bontemps serves top notch food. We recommend this venue for special occasions.
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