
The very name of this town evokes the pleasure of the cheeseboard and a good red wine. Roquefort-sur-Soulzon is deservedly famous for its cheese, which is typically soft and crumbly with green veins and a strong smell and taste. Visit one of the caves in the town - Papillon and Société are the best known brands - and go on a guided tour of the 'caves d'affinage' where the 'pains de fromage' mature slowly and naturally. Legend has it that Roquefort cheese was discovered by an amorous young shepherd who, whilst pursuing a lovely shepherdess, left his lunch of bread and ewe's cheese in a grotto in nearby Combalou. On his return some time later he discovered that the cheese had gone green with mould. However, obviously famished after his amorous adventures, he decided to eat the cheese nevertheless and discovered that it tasted wonderful! Thus was Roquefort born.

Follow the tour with lunch at one of the many restaurants where you will find that Roquefort is the chief item on the menu - as starter, main course, cheese course (what else!) and even dessert. Roquefort is evidently a lot more versatile than you ever imagined. Well worth the visit, however, and the visit to Roquefort goes hand-in-hand with a trip over the stunning Millau Viaduct just a little way to the north on the A75.

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